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We are located in Scottsville, New York (a suburb of Rochester).  Our family is one that loves all animals. We have had numerous pets over the years, but none have tugged at our heartstrings like our first Giant Schnauzer, Skansen's Cool Hand Luke GBC (aka. Luke) who joined our family in November of 2000.


We dabbled in the show ring and he showed great promise, winning Best of Breed in two of the three shows entered. The timing for the show ring did not fit for our family at the time, and Luke became our faithful family companion.


He loved games, any game that challenged his mind. A favorite being Hide and Seek.  Hide one of his toys, and he wouldn’t stop seeking until he found it! Another favorite, Frisbee. After our arms were sore from throwing it for him, hours and hours would be spent just jumping on and chewing this object.


Even in most frustrating times Luke could make us laugh, by his bizarre antics. I remember we were working outside one day trying to secure lattice to the lower part of our deck. Things weren’t going according to plan, we were frustrated to say the least!  When out of the corner of our eyes we caught sight of Luke calmly SNEAKING away carrying an EIGHT FOOT 2x4 in his mouth!  Ping ponging between the deck posts as he figured out how to maneuver such a large, combersome object.  He was such a clown! 


His unconditional love and protection instincts weathered us though many toils.


Luke was our introduction to the wonderful world of Giant Schnauzers, and we have been hooked on the breed ever since!

CoolHand Ranch Copyright 2011 All Rights Resreved

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